Author Information

Click here to download ICCCN 2025 Author Information in PDF.

The 34th International Conference on Computer
Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2025)

August 4 - 7, 2025, Tokyo, Japan
Information for Authors:
ICCCN 2025 is Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE and IEEE Communication Society. ICCCN 2025 will be held in-person (not virtual).

Paper Submission link: (for all Conference, Workshops, and Poster papers). The submission site will be open in December 2024 or early January 2025 to accept paper submissions.

Policy/Instructions for ICCCN 2025 Authors:
Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in standard IEEE camera ready format (double column, 10pt font) and must be submitted via EasyChair ( as PDF file (formatted for 8.5×11 inch paper). The manuscripts should be no longer than 8 pages including all figures/tables and references. Submitted conference manuscripts must not have been previously published or been under consideration elsewhere (conference or journal). Changes to the paper titles and author names, as well as the other metadata, are only permitted before the paper submission deadline (NO changes are allowed after submission deadline). NO titles and author name changes are allowed in the camera-ready version. The Program Committee will reject, without review, papers that either exceed the length specification or have been submitted or published elsewhere.

Submissions must include a title, abstract, keywords, author(s) and affiliation(s) with postal and email address(es) and phone number(s).

During the initial paper submission process via EasyChair, the authors are required to make sure the pdf file and EasyChair registration page of a paper have the same list of authors and the paper title. Be certain to add all authors in EasyChair during the initial paper submission process. Failure to comply with this rule may cause a paper to be withdrawn from the conference/workshop proceedings (please see above for policy for changing paper titles and/or author names in the papers once papers were submitted to ICCCN 2025).

Review and Publication of Manuscripts:
Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the ICCCN 2025 TPC members and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation. An accepted paper must be presented at the conference venue by the author who registered/paid full author reg. fee (or refer to the registration transfer information in the Author Reg. Form and see below). Each full registration covers up to two ICCCN 2025 conference papers authored by the registered/paid author. The authors acknowledge that accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference by the registered/paid authors of the accepted paper. We do not allow remote video presentations by any registered/paid authors or any other authors and any no-shows are not acceptable regardless any reasons including visa, travel problems, etc. (please contact ICCCN 2025 at with any questions about the no-show). Please plan to have another author of your accepted paper attend the meeting in person if the registered/paid author cannot attend the meeting by transferring the registered author’s registration/fee to another author of the accepted paper. The transfer request (from the registered author via email) must be received by ICCCN 2025 ( by July 1, 2025 (the transferee must submit his/her own reg form to the above email address at the same time to receive/use the reg fee from the transferor). The reg fee difference between transferor/transferee needs to be paid. Papers that were not presented onsite by the registered/paid authors (or transferees) will be removed from the IEEE Xplore (IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if any accepted paper is not presented by the registered/paid author (or transferee) at the conference onsite). Accepted/paid papers but not presented onsite by the registered/paid authors (or transferees) will be published in the conference proceedings only. Accepted and presented (by the registered/paid authors or transferees) papers (onsite) will be published in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore. We recommend that authors of accepted papers withdraw their papers if they see that they cannot send authors to present their papers onsite with whatever reasons (visa, no other authors available to come to onsite (travel problems), health reasons, etc.) BEFORE the author registration deadline.

Please note that the page limit for the workshop papers is different. It should be no longer than 6 pages including all figures/tables and references. The detailed information can be found in the workshop Call for Papers (or visit For any ICCCN 2025 related questions or additional information please contact the Workshop General Chairs (or each workshop’s Program Chair(s)).

Poster Papers:
ICCCN 2025 provides an opportunity to present in-progress work in the fields of computer communications and networks. Topics of interest are the same as the research topics in the ICCCN 2025 conference Call for Papers. Early implementations, prototypes, work-in-progress systems/applications as well as commercial products that are related to the topics are welcome. Presenting a poster is an effective way to obtain early and valuable feedback from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. Posters must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font). Each poster submission must be no longer than 2 pages including all figures/tables and references. The same rules included in this document are applied for poster papers.

ICCCN 2025 Paper Submission Terms and Conditions:
1. Authors understood that the submission is original and has not been submitted to other venue or under consideration by other venues.
2. Paper titles and/or author names cannot be changed and/or added to the papers after the submission deadline (including the final camera-ready manuscript).
3. If the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must register/pay at full rate and present it in person at the conference. Accepted/registered/paid paper(s) but not presented onsite by author(s) (for any reason, including visa issues, travel problems, etc.) will be published in the conference proceedings only (not in the IEEE Xplore). We strongly encourage that all authors of accepted papers apply for entry visa to Japan in case one author (registered/paid author) cannot attend the ICCCN 2025. Please see the registration transfer request information under the "Review and Publication of Manuscripts" section above.
4. ICCCN 2025 Conference and Workshops assume NO responsibility for actions of the authors or attendees or injuries sustained by them during the conference/workshops period and assume NO responsibility in connection with the attendees' participation in the conference and/or workshops.

We assume that you have read all the terms, conditions, and policies stated above (posted at the ICCCN 2025 website) and in the registration forms. By submitting your reg. form and registering for ICCCN 2025, you confirmed and agreed to all ICCCN 2025 conference and workshop Terms, Policy and Conditions.

ICCCN Conduct Statements:
ICCCN is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all conference and workshop participants. ICCCN has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at ICCCN events. Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others.

Paper submission by organizers:
ICCCN does not allow Conference and Workshops’ Program Chairs and Track Chairs submit/accept their own papers. But we encourage Track Chars and Workshop Program Chairs to submit their papers to other Tracks or Workshops other than their own (the ICCCN 2025 Conference General Chairs and Program Chairs cannot submit their papers to any ICCCN 2025 Conference Tracks or Workshops).