The 28th International Conference on Computer
Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2019)
July 29 - August 1, 2019, Valencia, Spain
The 28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) will be held in Valencia, Spain, July 29 - August 1, 2019. ICCCN workshops are exciting forums to present, discuss, and formulate specialized topics and emerging hot research topics (new areas, new problems or new methods). The topic of the proposed workshop should offer a perspective distinct from and complementary to the research themes of the main conference. Workshops for presenting papers from industry and papers on design and implementations of systems and services are welcome. As the ICCCN is a premier international conference in the field, a workshop at the conference will generate high visibility. Accepted and registered (and presented by one of authors) workshop papers will be published and included in the conference proceedings.
We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topic related to the broad set of research and application areas covered by the ICCCN conference. We welcome workshops on topics in network research, practice, and education. The workshop format itself should favor interaction among participants and community building. We welcome returning workshops. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- 5G Wireless Systems
- Edge Computing
- Networking Architectures
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Communications and Networks
- Internet of Things
- Big Data Networking
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Blockchain
- Mobile Cloud Computing and Services
- Critical Infrastructure Networks (e.g., Smart Grid and Vehicular Networks)
- Security and Privacy in communications, networks, and testbeds
- Social Networking and Novel Applications
- Software-Defined Radio and Software-Defined Networking
- Green communications and energy-harvesting networks
- Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks
- Virtualized Infrastructure Systems and Architectures
Submission Guidelines and Publication: In general, a workshop takes one day with 12-16 accepted and registered papers and presentations. Please send a workshop proposal by November 9th, 2018, to Workshop General Chairs Prof. Kewei Sha <sha@uhcl.edu> and Prof. Pietro Manzoni <pmanzoni@disca.upv.es>. Please note that the proposals will be reviewed once received and we will try to make the decision and send the notification back as soon as possible. Early-bird proposals are highly encouraged and will be given higher priority! For each approved workshop, at least one organizer must commit to attending and running the workshop on site. Please do not hesitate to send emails to the Chairs if you have any questions.
The workshop proposal should include the following information: (1) workshop title; (2) the names of the organizers (up to two program chairs), their brief bios and contact information; (3) a description of why and how the workshop will be organized (half to one page) e.g., relevance and significance of the workshop to the main conference; (4) a history of the workshop, if not being offered for the first time; (5) estimated paper submission volume and paper acceptance rate; (6) expected attendance; (7) length - Full day or half day; (8) indication if a journal special issue is associated with; (9) any other relevant information.
Each workshop will start to advertise and distribute its Call-For-Paper after receiving the approval notification. Papers submitted to each workshop should be original and peer reviewed by its program committee (3 reviews per submitted paper is required). An accepted paper must be registered and presented at the workshop venue and must be limited to 6 pages in standard double-column, 10pt font format. Two additional pages are allowed with the payment of an over-length fee of $100/page. More updates will be posted on the ICCCN 2019 website and please refer to the Author Information at the website. Please contact the Workshop Chairs with any questions.