Technical Tracks

Track 5: Pervasive Communications, Networking and Sensing
Track Co-Chairs:
Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Osaka University, Japan,
Sara Garcia Sanchez, IBM Research, USA,
Jia Hu, University of Exeter, U.K.,

Future mobile networks are expected to support a variety of new applications. These include industrial automation, remote control, self-driving vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based communication, extended reality (XR), sensing and localization. Beyond conventional content distribution and data exchange, these applications are often mission-critical and demand tight service requirements, such as ultra-high reliability, low-latency, massive connectivity, high bandwidth efficiency, and heterogeneous data traffic, among others. In the existing paradigm, it is challenging to achieve these critical requirements in a dynamic environment of the mobile network. Moreover, mobile applications such as indoor positioning, vehicular networks, and covert communications, require the network to provide not only communication connections but also sensing services. In such networks, joint sensing and communication design/operation becomes a promising way to improve the efficiency of exploiting spectral and signaling resources. Such integration of sensing and communication can happen at different levels, from loosely coupled to fully integrated. This “Pervasive Communications, Networking and Sensing” track seeks to bring together researchers from academia and industry to share their views on the trends and challenges in mobile applications and sensing. We solicit high-quality original research papers on topics including, but not limited to:

Track Topics:
• Underwater / underground networks
• UAV communication and networking
• IoT and pervasive applications
• Remote Healthcare and Medicine
• Integrated energy transfer/communications
• WPT-enabled networks and SWIPT networks
• MIMO-based networking
• mmWave, THz, VLC, full duplex communication networks
• Backscatter communications
• Low-latency communications enabled mission-critical-applications
• Integrated communication and sensing (ICS)
• Mobile sensing and applications
• Wireless sensing systems
• Localization and location-based services

TPC List:
• Batool Salehi, Bose Corporation, USA
• Amit Trivedi, University of Illinois Chicago, USA
• Debashri Roy, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
• Vini Chaudhary, Mississippi State University, USA
• Dheryta Jaisinghani, University of Northern Iowa, USA
• Gokhan Secinti, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
• Tingjun Chen, Duke University, USA
• Leonardo Bonati, Northeastern University, USA
• Utku Demir, Nexcepta, Inc, USA
• Ming Xia, Google, USA
• Po Yang, University of Sheffield, UK
• Xiaoding Wang, Fujian Normal University, China
• Weiwei Jiang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
• Jagmohan Chauhan, University of Southampton, UK
• Junfeng Xu, Communication University of China, China
• Sahil Garg, Ultra Communications, Canada
• Hui Lin, Fujian Normal University, China
• Zi Wang, University of Exeter, UK
• Subhramoy Mohanti, InterDigital, Inc., USA
• Zhengxin Yu, Lancaster University, UK
• Takuya Yoshihiro, Wakayama University, Japan
• Sunyanan Choochotkaew, IBM, Japan
• Akira Uchiyama, Osaka University, Japan
• Vaskar Raychoudhury, Miami University, USA
• Viktor Erdélyi, Osaka University, Japan
• Janick Edinger, University of Hamburg, Germany
• Koojana Kuladinithi, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
• Hiroki Kudo, Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan
• Ayumi Ohnishi, Kobe University, Japan
• Daniela Nicklas, University of Bamberg, Germany