ICCCN 2014 – Track on Data Centers and Big Data Computing (DCBC)
Given that the rate at which data is being generated is doubling faster than our computational capability with respect to Moore's Law, data centers and their associated networks and infrastructure have become critical aspects in scaling up computational capability to keep pace with this data deluge. As such, this track invites submissions in the following areas, including, but not necessarily limited to.
Track Topics
- Infrastructure
- Network Architecture
- Network-Enabled Frameworks
- Network Protocols
- Performance and Power Modeling
- Data Access & Management
Track Organizing Committee
Track Chairs:
- Wu-chun Feng , Virginia Tech , USA
Track Technical Program Committee:
- Yong Chen , Texas Tech University , USA
- Ada Gavrilovska , Georgia Tech , USA
- Martin Swany , Indiana University , USA
- Jun Wang , University of Central Florida , USA
- Hao Wang , Virginia Tech , USA
- Patrick Bridges , University of New Mexico, USA
- Malathi Veeraraghavan , University of Virginia, USA
- Mark Gardner , Virginia Tech , USA
- Samee Khan , University of North Dakota , USA
- Laurent Lefevre , INRIA , France
- Lei Tian , University of Nebraska , USA
- Dantong Yu , Brookhaven National Lab , USA
Important Dates
Abstract Due | February 24, 2014 |
Paper Due | March 3, 2014 |
Acceptance Notification | April 23, 2014 |
Camera Ready Due | May 12, 2014 |
Submission Link
Please note the submission guideline (Author) for ICCCN 2014.
Submission link on EasyChair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icccn2014